Paths > Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Mai, Thailand

chiangmai tagged map in Tagzania

Chiang Mai paths summary

Chiang Mai is very touristic place, but as all the places when you go a bit out from the centre you can find many paths and local people. The contrast in between fancy hotels, swimming pools and dusty roads in the countryside is breathtaking. This is not the first time I find myself thinking why on earth I do pathmapping since it takes me to so many places as a tourist. I travel, meet people, see moments, but then I'm gone. My big ecological footprint remains and maybe also some local remembers me for a week or so before I faint into the sea of faces. The unreality, imaginary culture of tourism confuses me.

But I found a fish in the middle of a path, where there were no water systems anywhere near. It made me feel better. A little.

The paths were mapped in spring 2006.

Copyright © 2004 - 2010 Mari Keski-Korsu